Sunny News

Condominiums and Climate Change

Image of the sun behind the clouds creating a red sky

By Dana Goldman, Commissioner (September 29, 2020) – Combatting the effects of climate change will present the most significant scientific, political and socio-economic challenges of our time. The immediate and urgent impact of rising temperatures and extreme flooding events affect the health of residents and community sustainability. Whether you are a unit owner, board member or association counsel, you can …

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Budget Message for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year

Budget Message Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Office of the City Manager

By Christopher J. Russo, Former City Manager In accordance with article IV Section 4.5 of the charter of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, under unprecedented circumstances, of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the help of our hard-working staff, I am proud to submit the Proposed Budget for the fiscal year 2020-2021. It is nearly impossible to overstate the magnitude …

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It Started from Day One

Police Officers on the First Day of School

By Dwight Snyder, Police Chief & Fred Maas, Retired Police Chief (August 31, 2020) – In times of turmoil it can be comforting to hear from another longstanding member of our Sunny Isles Beach family. This month, I am handing my space over to former SIBPD Chief Fred Maas, the original force behind building our department from the ground up, …

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Helping Families in Times of Need

KidSide Taking the kid's side in high-conflict Family Court

By Jeniffer Viscarra, Commissioner (August 31, 2020) – Many families in high conflict court proceedings simply cannot afford the therapeutic services necessary for critical intervention. For this reason, Miami-Dade County created Family Court Services (FCS), which provides supervised visitation and family, individual, and reunification therapy. As an attorney and Guardian Ad Litem, I have seen how invaluable FCS is for …

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Update on Gateway Center

Interior at Gateway Center

By Christopher Russo, Former City Manager (August 31, 2020) – Every day we work to fulfill our mission to keep Sunny Isles Beach a world class city that offers the highest quality of life for our residents. The completion of the Gateway Center is just the latest extension of our promise. When the privatization of the space for a market …

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Message from the Mayor: 2020 General Election

A promotional picture to vote in the presidential elections.

By George “Bud” Scholl, Mayor (August 31, 2020) – The 2020 general election is two months away on November 3 and this election is as important as ever. As we navigate through the uncertainty of this time, voting can seem daunting. It is important to make a plan for voting before it is too late to take advantage of the …

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Message from the City Manager: Update on Town Center North Overlay

Town Center North Overlay

By Christopher Russo, Former City Manager (July 30, 2020) – We are moving forward in determining the future of the Town Center North Overlay (TCNO). However, due to delays from COVID-19, the City Commission is in the process of extending the moratorium through March 2021 to allow for ample time to complete the public outreach process and provide final recommendations …

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Message from the Mayor: Be Part of the Solution

For your safety and our: stay home, no congregating in any area, wear a mask, social distancing

By George “Bud” Scholl, Mayor (July 30, 2020) – When you look back on this time in two, five or 10 years, how do you want your actions to be remembered? We have the opportunity to take one of two paths: accepting personal responsibility and doing everything in our power to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 or placing self-indulgent …

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Standing United

Sunrise over the Newport Fishing Pier

By Alex Lama, Commissioner (July 30, 2020) – Last month we celebrated the 244th birthday of the United States of America and as the fourth of July fireworks faded and the celebrations drew to a close, I kept thinking of how grateful I am to live in this country. Living here offers many of us the tranquility of personal safety …

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New in Condoland: Ombudsman, emergency powers & condo rights

Sunny Isles Beach buildings through trees

By Dana Goldman, Commissioner (July 30, 2020) – On the regulatory front, Governor Ron DeSantis appointed Spencer Hennings of Miami as Florida’s new Condominium Ombudsman. The Office of the Ombudsman provides resources and educational programs; fields questions for condominium unit owners, directors and officers; serves as liaison with policy makers; and monitors condominium elections and meetings. The City looks forward …

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