Former Mayor Scholl

Staying Safe During the Holidays

Distance doesn't have to stop tradition

By George “Bud” Scholl, Mayor (November 30, 2020) – The year may be winding down, but unfortunately, the pandemic is stronger than ever. Across the country, states are experiencing a hard-hit winter resurgence and the reality of the situation is that we could be in this until 2022. But we are all in this together. We will keep moving forward …

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Adapting to Change While Protecting our Community

Parks staff sanitizing playground equipment

By George “Bud” Scholl, Mayor (October 30, 2020) – From the offices in City Hall to the park technicians to the police and Code Compliance officers, our city staff has been particularly outstanding during the last eight months. Sometimes uncertainty can cause chaos, but here in Sunny Isles Beach, our city remained calm, adapted to the new changes, and continued …

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Support Our Local Businesses

Perez Art Museum

By George “Bud” Scholl, Former Mayor (September 29, 2020) – In the wake of the pandemic, times have been hard for all of us, especially local businesses and cultural institutions. We all agree that the economy needs a major boost due to the significant effects of COVID-19, and one of the simplest ways to help is by purchasing from locally …

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Message from the Mayor: 2020 General Election

A promotional picture to vote in the presidential elections.

By George “Bud” Scholl, Mayor (August 31, 2020) – The 2020 general election is two months away on November 3 and this election is as important as ever. As we navigate through the uncertainty of this time, voting can seem daunting. It is important to make a plan for voting before it is too late to take advantage of the …

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Message from the Mayor: Be Part of the Solution

For your safety and our: stay home, no congregating in any area, wear a mask, social distancing

By George “Bud” Scholl, Mayor (July 30, 2020) – When you look back on this time in two, five or 10 years, how do you want your actions to be remembered? We have the opportunity to take one of two paths: accepting personal responsibility and doing everything in our power to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 or placing self-indulgent …

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Message from the Mayor: Update on COVID-19

Message from the Mayor: Coronavirus Update

By Mayor George “Bud” Scholl (Friday, June 26, 2020) – Coronavirus cases are rising at an alarming rate in Florida. It’s been nearly four months since our lives were first disrupted by COVID-19, and the virus is stronger than ever in our community. We all must do our part to keep our city and community safe. Most businesses have reopened …

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Hurricane Season during a Pandemic

Cloudy day on the beach

By George “Bud” Scholl, Mayor (Tuesday, June 23, 2020) – Hurricane season has officially begun, and this year is projected to be particularly busy. During the last two years, we were lucky to experience only minor conditions from hurricanes Michael and Dorian. But now with three named storms already developed and a pandemic still looming, we must adjust accordingly. Preparation …

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Message from the Mayor: June SIBislander

Aerial view of the beach

By George “Bud” Scholl, Mayor (June 2, 2020) – June marks the unofficial beginning of summer here in Florida, and this year, it’s looking quite different than usual. Even though we are still encouraged to stay home as much as possible to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, there are still a multitude of reasons and ways we can celebrate …

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Update from Mayor Scholl

Message from the Mayor

By Mayor George “Bud” Scholl (Monday, May 25, 2020) Residents of Sunny Isles Beach, Good news! I am pleased to report that progress is being made to achieve a June 1 opening of our beaches and pools. A lot of work has been put in to prepare for the beaches throughout Miami-Dade County to reopen. There have been several calls …

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Message from Mayor Scholl

Message from the Mayor

By Mayor George “Bud” Scholl (Friday, May 15, 2020) – A new month moves us one step closer to what has been dubbed our ‘new normal.’ We have been trying to find a routine and adjust to our temporary new way of living. Social distancing is no longer a choice; it is the key to defeating the coronavirus. As the …

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